Sunday, July 18, 2010

i hate examz...

tomorrow exam ad....
lazy leh...
duwan study..
but have to..
i only study abit only.....
dun care.....
blek XP

i don't care it if u keep complaining about me
i don't care if u wanna insult me...
i don't care if u hate me....
i just don't care...
becoz that's me...
u cannot change who i am...
u don't have the qualifications to judge me...
u don't deserve to judge me!!
u don't need to judge me....
if u keep want to judge me then fine
but think again
i'm at least better than you!!

i'm happy to see that you're happpy
i don't feel sad if i cannot have you
i don't feel hurt
it's your choice...
altough u havent say your answer...
i still will respect it...
becoz i know...
its not me...
smart leh..
= =

need see you again....
can i don't?
need exam again..
can i don't?
need face all those challenges again...
can i don't?
do i have a choice...
i don't think so....

i just hate attending the weekly dinner at my granpa's house....
coz i don't get the way people treat me...
all those cousins...
they only treat Liang and my baby cousin sister good...
i'm not invisible...
i'm not heartless...
i have feelings..
you know??
starting from age of  7..
[coz i only rmb that]
my 2nd big cousin bro doesn't even talks to me...
well sometimes...
he only says..
"paas the remote"
"drink your soup"
then theres my biggest cousin bro...
well he's better...
he talks to me sometimes..
i don't think 'talk' is the word..
i prefer tease...
he teases me....
he now smokes all the time and i don't think anyone knows this....
didnt he know that all of us cares about him..
like he cares...
he doesnt even have dinner with us anymore...
"so" good...
then there's my 3rd big d cousin brother....
he's about 15 or sumting right now...
15 or 16 or 17 or 18...
i dunno
i just know he still studying....
what's great about him
at least he talks....
and at last theres my big cousin sister...
she talks a litttle little little...
i happy ad if she lends me her iPhone to play.....
big couz'n bro, 2nd couz'n bro and big couz'n sis ad go pub or clubs ad....
the whole family are damn worried...
but what can we do?
i see al my baby photos...
when i baby...
its like everybody loves me and sayangz me...
then now...
i'm like
"cooltomboy --- the invisible cousin that didnt exist"
i don't care ady lar....
i can only sms sometimes at there
or watch tv if no one wants to fight the tv with me
or play iPhone...

so now what..
i decided to....
do nothing
no lar....
just find something to be addiceted
or maybe go visit blogz...
see ya...